Friday, January 17, 2014

Why I love bball! and what led me to blog about it! =).

Wow this week I missed a lot of games been really busy. SO MUCH STUFF TO BLOG ABOUT ugh hahahaha. Right now I'm trying to see all my options in bloggings because I really want to make my blogs interesting fun, and ORGANIZE. Doing these I feel will help me enjoy blogging more and also let's reader enjoy my blogs. Basketball is one of my favorite sport, probably IS MY FAVORITE SPORT but I am open to other sports, I just have more knowledge on this sport than in other.

My background in bball, I think I've got an interest to the game when I was around 9 or 10 years old. It was my last year in elementary. Every year we would have a sport fest in our church and  and we would build a team for our locale congregation to play against the other congregation of the church I go to (the Church of Christ). Before we have the games, we would have a coach who taught us how to play. But around that time, it was just basically just having fun and promoting brotherhood in the church. But basketball is a really competitive sport so we were learning to be competitive also, but at that age with our small and weak body we lacked skills and strength to play real basketball.

During my last year in middle school, we had a new coach in our team. He really trained us the way he trained a school team back when he was a coach at some school in philippines (not sure if it was a highschool or college team). We also  had new players straight from the Philippines. And BOY they were really good in bball!!! They were in a different level to those in my age. One of them really trained in a bball program by MILO (A popular healthy malted chocolate/milk drink promoting healthy body and energy for kids), and the other guy is just a monster quick shooter because he play bball more than his attendance in school in the Philippines haha YOU GUYS KNOW WHO YOU ARE xP. But I really looked up to them, during that year street ball like AND 1 was also becoming popular and people doing cross overs and "artistic moves" and everyone was doing And 1 at the park. Anyways that year we were building up strength and skills in our bball practices. We strengthened our muscles, our stamina, and we improved our basic skills (proper defense, proper layups, jump shots, and free throws)  THANKS COACH! Which really help me in my high school because I was able to make my high school varsity. I didn't play much in their due to grades and attendance problem I had, but the practices I had improved me even more. But I did continue to play for my church's bball team and we had won several championships which were great memories, because what I learned about this game is, it's not a one player game but a team game. It really taught us to work together and achieved success in winning our games.

After High school I still play bball for my church, but didn't have the time we used to have. We all got busy in college, other got busy working, or helping their family. It really sucks after high school because that was when the real world stepped in. For us Filipino we are not that tall and most of us look at being stable financially and being ready for the real world, that we can't sacrifice our time and dream about becoming basketball players. We want to make money to help our families back in the philippines while trying to pay off every bills here in the U.S. So yeah, now the only thing I do is watch nba, play a quick bball games at the park or indoor gym (I usually have to pay 5$ or more for indoor games) or just play bball on video games console.

AND NOW here I am blogging about the game I love! hehe I hope you continue to visit and enjoy my blogs thanks for reading guys ^_^

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